Belfast International Festival of Performance Art 2025
The Belfast International Festival of Performance Art is an annual festival, which was established by Brian Connolly in 2013. It evolved out of a series of previous performance art events within the Belfast School of Art. It was established as an independent festival program within the University in 2016.
BIFPA generates new performance artworks by international, national & local artists, along with work created by students and recent graduates of the Fine Art Course.
Friday 21 February - Live performances
11.30am - Áine Crawford - 2 Royal Avenue - 1hr
12.00pm - Sorcha Keeve - 2 Royal Avenue - 30mins
12.30pm - Nicole Goodwin - Sus Scrofa - 2 Royal Avenue - 20mins
1.00pm - Leo FitzSymons - prying eyes on private moments - 2 Royal - Avenue - 30mins
1.30pm - Christine Donaghy - Ochón/Weep - 2 Royal Avenue - 30mins
2.00pm - Sara Monteiro - My Body Hurts 2.5 - 2 Royal Avenue - 30 mins
2.30pm - Sarah McLean - Labiaplasty - 2 Royal Avenue - 1hr
2.30pm - Rhia Marie - 2 Royal Avenue - 30mins
3.00pm - Cuánn McAuley - Disposition - 2 Royal Avenue - 10mins
3.30pm - Madison Agnew - 2 Royal Avenue - 30mins
5.30pm - Sally O’Dowd - An Péist agus on Fuinseóg The Worm and the Ash - Glass Box Gallery, UU - 1hr
6.45pm - Evamaria Schaller - Ledger Studio, University of Atypical - Less that one hour
The festival would not happen without a voluntary organising committee that are dedicated to performance art: Dr Sandra Johnston, Sinéad O'Donnell, Brian Connolly, Thomas Wells, Brain Patterson and Zara Lyness, with administrative support from Bbeyond.
The annual festival has been funded via Arts & Culture Development within the Ulster University.
For more information and updates visit here