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p(art)y Here and Now

p(art)y Here and Now

Date: Saturday 22 February

Location: Templegate Square, in front of Clare museum, Ennis, Co.Clare

Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

p(art)y Here and Now is a participatory live performance art event held every month in Co Clare, Ireland. p(art)y is facilitated by Rachel Macmanus, Slevek Kwi and Laura Jane Allis. Our next p(art)y will be held on Saturday 22nd February at 5pm to 6pm in Templegate Square, in front of Clare Museum, Ennis, Co Clare. All BBeyond Members are invited to participate if you are ever in the vicinity. Find out more about p(art)y here and follow us on instagram here

21 February

Laundry Clash with Eduardo Cordosa Amato

26 February

BBDB/Bbeyond online meet